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July Reading Recommendations

Published: at 10:30 AM

A bit late because of the summer vacations. I have been reading a bit though!


Why doesn’t advice work?

One of my favourite bloggers with another “banger”, as the kids call it. In this blogpost he tries to give advice on how to give advice, and how to take advice.

How to think in writing

An exploration of how writing can be a useful exercise to refine your thoughts and ideas into actual knowledge and wisdom.

My thoughts are flighty and shapeless; they morph as I approach them. But when I type, it is as if I pin my thoughts to the table. I can examine them.


The Pragmatic Programmer

I had a long road trip by myself this summer, to visit some family and to pick up some trees and a duck. On the way I listened through The Pragmatic Programmer. The book is available as an ebook on audible, which is where I listened to it. I used a free credit as I am not a big fan of audiobooks, preferring real books, or podcast if I have to consume content in audio-format. The book is read partly by the authors themselves, but mostly by a robot voice they refer to as The Book. The Book is just alright at reading, so it got a bit tedious, although admittedly I did listen to it across two 6+ hour long sessions almost continuously. The book was updated in 2019, so they talk about the cloud and all that “new” stuff in this edition. In the book there is a collection of tips, so it is pretty easy to listen to, as the chapter/tips are quite small and bite sized. I recommend fresh developers especially to read this book, a lot of the tips are quite useful. As with all such tips I wonder if they are digestable if you haven’t “lived it”, but I think having heard them doesn’t hurt!